Shadow (Q )" What are the biggest holes in evolution?
The Rebel, a poster on a previous thread made this observation " evolution is just a theory". But In my opinion " The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection" is the best explanation for my existence.
Anyway tthe " O.P" "What are the biggest holes in evolution? is an important question, and I guess a theory is not a fact. However I also believe this theory has been tested and scrutinised for over 150 years, and is supported by all relevant observations. However a theory is never promoted to a law and some may argue God has provided the Bible to understand his factual account of creation and " Darwins theory of evolution" is just an attempt to undermine those facts.
Therefore I believe for many Christians one of the " biggest holes in evolution" is the bible and its creation account . I belive these are the reasons many Christians refuse to accept the theoris of science and scientists who reveal condtadictory truths.
So in conclusion " The theory of evolution" owes its existence to the unflinching hard work of dedicated and often courageous scientists. But in my opinion some may still doubt those findings,or the accuracy of their testimony, even when they come with impeccable references. For example many a Christian would say God and the bible are the only impeccable reference.
Slimboyfat (Q) " Has anybody asked a dolphin his view of the world?
The Rebel.
1. Why do you ask?
2. Is the Dolphins view of the world supported by science?
The Rebel.